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mainly March... in photos

Miss me? Yeah, I haven't posted in a week, and no, I'm not even freaking out about it. I haven't been up to much really, I just took an unplanned break, and not just from blogging, from my computer in general. I mean sure I checked my email everyday (well, I do have several emails I've failed to reply to), and I also logged on to Goodreads and Blogger a few times (left a few comments on several lovely places ;), but that's about it. The truth is, I didn't really organize all the blogoversary posts that well. I should've probably written them beforehand and scheduled them, but I didn't - my big mistake. I rushed through everything (where did March go?), and it kinda overtaxed me and left me with no blogging inspiration, at all. But, I've learned my lesson; next time I do something like this, I'm scheduling all the giveaway/special posts.
Anyways, I won't bore you any longer; on to the photos! There haven't been enough lately, so I decided to make up for that. :)

curves adjustment
sooc shot
sooc shot
sooc shot
Christine had a friend over about two weeks ago, and they had a fun time running around in the backyard. Unfortunately, they were running away from me, because, apparently, I wanted to 'shoot' them with Eirwyn.

sooc shot
And I did manage to. ;)

sooc shot
Umm, anyone remember this post? He's grown... a lot, and so has my photography, for that matter...

sooc shot
...yup, definitely (last year).

curves and colour balance adjustments
Current desktop background. I heart it.

curves adjustment
curves adjustment
curves and colour balance adjustments
On second thought, I may just update my wallpaper... again.

curves and colour balance adjustments
sooc shot
Dear lilac bud, please grow faster. Sincerely, me.

sooc shot
Amid the ashes. If I sell this as a print, it's going to have that name on the back.

sooc shot
I love playing around with sunflares.

sooc shot
sooc shot
I'm putting this on my bedroom wall. the end.

sooc shot
And there, it all ends with the sunset. Have any favourites? :)

p.s. I added several movie soundtracks, as background music, to my blog. Like them?


  1. beautiful shots, eve, and good to hear from you ;D your sisters are so cute!


  2. These are so gorgeous! Favorites are the tree-climbing ones, the second-to-last one with the leaf bud, and the purple and yellow flowers (their name escapes me at the moment.) Oh, and the last one's pretty amazing too.

    All I can say about the music soundtracks is: Concerning Hobbits. WIN.

    Abbie /// XOXOX

  3. whoaaaa. these are all so pretty! this one is maybe my favorite, or the one shot through the bottom of a playground :) remember when we discovered that we had both taken a picture exactly like that? we are totally twins.
    also, the second picture is adorable! love that smile. :D

  4. They all came out so beautiful. It's nice to have a Canon "sister". So many people use Nikons on there blogs. Since you have a Canon your my Fav photography blog;)
    P.s. I don't have any thing against Nikon cress hey take good photos I just prefer Canon;)

  5. The ones with the flowers, especially the purple ones, are tremendously gorgeous!

    ~Nessima of Arda Nessimava

  6. These are just amazing, dear Eve!!! You are so talented in capturing the light. Just amazing. Perhaps share a few of your photography tips someday?

    >>----> tending her garden @


a single ray of light can brighten even the darkest forest.