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01.10.12: Giveaway at Essence of Eve

Today is my birthday. Surprised? Maybe, maybe not. It really depends on how well you know me, whether or not you follow my main blog, and/or your activity on Pinterest and/or Twitter. :P But anyway, I already told you so it doesn't really matter anymore. ;)
So I wanted to do something special for my birthday, and I really considered a sponsor giveaway, but so soon after the holidays, I figured it would be kind of hard to find sponsors (I'm planning on doing something big for my blogoversary in March though ;). Instead, I decided on giving away a couple of prints, right here on my blog! Four non-portrait Essence of Eve prints of YOUR choice, to be exact! :) You can enter below (via Rafflecopter):

a Rafflecopter giveaway I understand some people (including myself) have had trouble entering Rafflecopter giveaways in the past. If you, for some reason, can't enter via the widget above, please e-mail me (or comment on this post). I'll enter you manually. :)

I'm off to see Soul Surfer now! Have fun entering! :)


  1. Happy birthday!

    this one is one of my favorites (but I think they are all amazing!)


  2. Oh wow, I am surprised!
    I hope you have a fantastic day & rest of the year!
    I couldn't possibly pick a favorite out of all your beautiful photographs, but for a more recent one, I really like the picture you entered in my photo challenge :)

  3. Happy Birthday! :) Hope you had a great day!

    I would like to enter your giveaway. Sounds really neat! ;) Thank-you!

  4. oops. um, i don't have a favorite. i hardly think i'll be able to choose FOUR!

  5. I wanna enter! :)

  6. Cool! I'm entering for sure!


  7. How do I find your prints? I went to your etsy profile and all I saw was your favorite items...??


  8. fun! happy birthday!

  9. i have no idea which one is my FAVORITE! but i love love love them.

  10. Hi Eve, had a question. I have your blog button on my sidebar but it's your old one...before you had your blog makeover. I'm not sure on how to change it due to the way it's set up. Would that count, or no? It's totally fine if not, I just wanted to check. Thanks! :)


  11. P.S. Happy birthday!!! ;-D

  12. Thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes everyone! <3

    Carli ~ I don't have an Etsy shop for my prints opened up... yet. You can just look through my blog and give me the link to a photo you like. But it's ok, since you commented already, you can just mark off the task as done. :)

    Katie ~ Oh sure, it counts... just as long as it links back to my blog. ;)

  13. Anonymous11.1.12

    Happy birthday! I LOVE the tea cup pictures you took! They are beautiful!

  14. Happiest of birthdays to you, Eve! =D

  15. just one favorite?! ...the purple flower one in your header--absolutely stunning. =D

  16. I know I will have a difficult time picking only four of your prints . . .
    but I would love a chance to win.
    Please enter me in your giveaway.
    I'm here via Lily Caroling Photography.

  17. Anonymous15.1.12

    i like this picture

  18. I loved Soul Surfer :) Your photography is amazing! Happy (belated) Birthday!


a single ray of light can brighten even the darkest forest.