Today, January the tenth, two-thousand twelve, is the day I turn fourteen. :) I remember when I was little, I used to get all excited on the week leading up to my birthday. I'd be going around the house trying to find my birthday present! :D These past couple of years though, the excitement has rather diminished. I mean, I still think of today as a special day, I just don't go around telling EVERYONE just how excited I am. It's kind of funny coming from me though, 'cause when I was little, I thought adults weird because they didn't make a big deal out of their birthdays. No parties?! That's unthinkable. And yet I don't have parties anymore either. My little six-year-old self would be horrified! :P
You know, having your birthday ten days after New Year makes it kind of hard finding a topic for your birthday post. I can't do resolutions, because I did those already, things I accomplished/learned last year, that's done too, so I'll just do birthday plans, oh, and dream cake!
So today I'm giving away a couple of my prints on
my photography blog (keep an eye out for that. I'll have the giveaway posted later in the day), and I'm also going out to get
Soul Surfer with my mom!
I've been wanting to see this for so loooooooong! Can't wait! As for my birthday dream cake (the one I have is
really good, but this one just looks awesome on the outside)...
The only thing wrong with it is that it's a Nikon... I want a Canon. :P
So anyway, I'm off to... celebrate my birthday! :) Many thanks to everyone who's already sent me sweet birthday wishes. I really appreciate it!
Currently listening to...
Saltwater Room by Owl City
Yours truly,